22 Minute Hard Corps

Today, after 9 weeks, we completed 22 Minute Hard Corps; a military style workout from Tony Horton, the creator of P90X. All workouts are only 22 minutes + optional 10 minute ab workouts.

Overall Impressions:

Jess: I really enjoyed this program. I absolutely loved that it was only 22 minutes and that we actually got in a good workout in that short amount of time. I was worried since there are only 6 workouts (+ 2 core workouts) that I was going to get bored, but I definitely did not. I do not feel like I was as challenged as I was with Hammer & Chisel, but I loved that there was more cardio and specific ab workouts, both of which were challenging.

Spence: It was great to know that each workout would only take 22 minutes.  The resistance workouts were not as challenging as other programs, but most days we did additional resistance work (either P90X3 or our own routine).  I liked the cardio routines in this program because I normally hate cardio (okay, I still hate cardio), but it was nice to know that I only had to suffer for 22 minutes.  The core workouts were good, but I wish there was more variation instead of just doing more repetitions in one over the other.

Favorite Move/Exercise:

Jess: Punch pulls

Spence: Pumpjumpers

Least Favorite Move/Exercise:

Jess: Mountain Squats…or Gorilla Crawls, both look easy but definitely are not.

Spence: Waterbugs

Favorite Overall Workout:

Jess: Resistance 2!

Spence: Core 1 (it was the shortest and slowest)

Least Favorite Overall Workout:

Jess: Cardio 3. No breaks and spin burpees, really Tony!?

Spence: Cardio 2

Thoughts on Hell Week:

Jess: It definitely deserved its name. 22 minutes a day was relatively easy (although we were challenged); however, doubling that and doing back to back workouts was difficult. I definitely modified every day at least once except for the last day.

Spence: Why? It was very difficult to start each workout with Tony talking about how it was only 22 minutes and knowing that was a lie.  Each workout provided an almost too simple workout by themselves, but more than one back to back…….whew!

Thoughts on the Performance Line:

Jess: Energize (pre-workout) is a life saver for waking up at 4:30 AM. I am so much more alert for my workouts and can tell a huge difference in my performance. It tastes really good too. I also enjoyed the hydrate; I didn’t try the other products.

Spence: Energize was great after I adjusted to the initial tingly sensation.  Hydrate tasted a lot better than plain water, but I didn’t notice significant benefits beyond working out with just water.  The recover and recharge protein blends were both tastier and more effective than other protein powders that I have used in the past.

Where you noticed the most change (physical or otherwise):

Jess: I did not notice as many physical changes with this program, which I honestly not that surprising since I lost many inches with the two rounds of Hammer and Chisel, but I definitely found an increase in my endurance. For example, when first doing gorilla crawls I had to take a break doing 26, but now I am able to do them all at once. I noticed exercises got easier and I did not have to modify as much by the end.

Spence: I noticed that almost all of the exercises became easier by the end of the program, but that was mostly due to knowing the patterns and being able to get ahead while Tony told jokes (and no, I did not want to finish faster to prove anything,  I wanted to get to the 22 second breaks as fast I could).

Spence Results (top – before; bottom – after):

Chest: – 1 1/2 in.
R. Arm: + 3/8 in.
L Arm: +0 in.
Waist: +0 in.
Hips: +0 in.
R. Thigh: +1/4 in.
L Thigh: – 1/4 in.
Net: -1.125 in.

Jess Results (top – before; bottom – after):

Chest: – 1/2 in.
R. Arm: + 0 in.
L Arm: + 1/4 in.
Waist: -1/4 in.
Hips: -1/4 in.
R. Thigh: +3/8 in.
L Thigh: +0 in.
Net: -0.375 in.

Now we are moving on to the 21 Day Fix Extreme, followed by Body Beast. We may not be seeing as many physical changes as we were when we first started, but every day we continue to get stronger and healthier. If you have any more questions about the program or want to try it (it’s on sale this month) ask either one of us and we would be happy to talk with you!

At Home Workouts

So I have been trying to decide topics that I can discuss on this blog so that I am updating more. Although I am still in the brainstorming process, when I was working out today a light bulb went off in my head, and alas the “At Home Workouts” post was born.

Depending on the week, I work out anywhere from three to six times per week. I often mix up my workouts (besides when doing a specific program or training for a half marathon/marathon), which often includes working out at home. I am fortunate to have a husband who has a degree in Health and Exercise Science, and got licensed as a personal trainer in his early 20s, so he has taught me a number of exercises that I currently do. I also have been very active in sports since I was little, so I learned a number of different exercises/ways to work out. However, I understand a number of people do not have these luxuries or knowledge, are just starting to work out for the first time, or do not have the money to get a gym membership. This is why I absolutely love at home workouts. Depending on the route you go, these workouts are free or cheaper than a gym membership, teach you how to do a variety of exercises, and many require very minimal or no equipment at all.

Below are links to some of my favorite at-home workouts, across different medias:


XHit Daily: This has been my favorite youtube channel for at-home workouts for about 2 years now. The workouts are led by fitness trainers who teach you different exercises at home. Many of them require no equipment, although some require dumbbells or a medicine ball. My favorite thing about these videos is most of them are only about 10 minutes long. Therefore, you can do as many or as few as you want, you get variety in your workout, and the variety makes it more interesting/motivating.

BeFit: This youtube channel I used years ago and then rediscovered recently. The channel has a number of at-home workouts led by top fitness trainers. I have used this channel mostly for cardio workouts; however, they also have a ton of workouts focusing on different areas of the body such as legs, gluts, arms, and abs. It even includes the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Challenge. I have only done a couple videos from this channel, but the trainers are really motivating and I have really enjoyed them.

FitnessBlender: This channel is similar to the others in the sense that there is a variety of workouts that you can do at home. Everything on this channel is created by a husband and wife and there are over 450 workout videos in total. There is also an associated website which has workout programs. I will be honest, I do not find these videos as “motivating” as the other two channels; however, I do think they do an excellent job of explaining the different exercises and how to properly do them though. So if you are a beginner, I definitely think this is a good channel to check out.

A number of other youtube channels I have also used for workout routines, but not as often, include:


Nike Training Club: This is my absolute favorite cell phone app for workouts. You can search a ton of different workouts focused on your goals (e.g. leaning out, strength, toning up, getting focused) and then choose specific programs based on how often you work out (e.g. beginner, intermediate, and advanced). Programs typically range from 15- 45 minutes, so you can choose the type you want based on how much time you have. Many workouts have some type of equipment, but you can also modify many of the moves to be equiptment free. You can pause each workout to watch a video demonstrating the proper way to do an exercise. There is also a great community feel if you create a profile. You can gain Nike Fuel Points and add friends. The best part? It is free for iOs and Android.

If you like running or want to start, Nike+ or MapMyRun are my two favorite running apps (obviously you would use these outside unless you have a treadmill at your house). Both track your distance, pace, length of run, and estimate calories burned. You can make a profile, connect with friends, and join challenges to motivate you to run. I used to use Nike+ a lot more, but have recently used MapMyRun more. They both are very good apps, it really just depends on your preference. Both are also free. Also, if you are just starting to get into running, you may want to check out the C25K app. I have never used it, but have heard positive things about it from beginner runners. There is a free version and also one that costs $1.99.

Bodyspace: This app comes from bodybuilding.com (a great website FYI. I definitely recommend it if you are beginning weight training, or even if you have been weight training for a while). You can find programs that fit your goals, level, gender, age, how many days you want to work out, etc. There s a community where you can post pictures, comments, etc. You can also make up your own workouts and track them. I will say, if you are working out at home and have a laptop/tablet that you can bring into the area you work out, I would recommend the website over the app. Also, although the app is free, you do need equipment to do the majority of the exercises.


Dalispaige: Dalis is a recent graduate of Tennessee Tech University with a degree in Exercise Science. She is also a personal trainer and model. She posts quick workout videos that usually include 3-5 different moves focused on a certain area of the body, then tells you how many reps of each you should do. She also has a website http://dalisignited.com/ that includes a number of at-home, gym, and partner workouts.

BSKYFITNESS: Brianna is also a certified personal trainer that started her health and fitness journey back in 2010 after gaining 40 pounds. She is an avid promoter of health, fitness, confidence, a healthy mindset, and most important to me – balance. Although she does not post too many actual workouts on her Instagram account she has a website and a youtube channel where you can find workouts that she does, as well as a lot more health, fitness, and beauty information. Additionally, if you want to purchase a program from her, she offers a number of products and services.

Muffintopless: Savannah is not a dietician, counselor, personal trainer, doctor, or any other health care related professional; however, similar to Brianna, she turned her life around after living an unhealthy lifestyle in college. She is currently the editor for FitFemme Magazine. Speaking of which, you can go to FitFemme Magazine’s website, sign up for a free monthly subscription and download a PDF of their magazine for FREE! I downloaded their August issue today and did a great workout from it – another great fitness resource! Although Savannah does not post many workouts directly on her Instagram account, she has a website where you can find home workouts and other exercise-related things. She also sells different body programs and recipe books.

Programs for Purchase

T25: This is a BeachBody program led by Shaun T. It is a 10 week program that you do 25 minutes per day 5X per week (with a double day on the last day per week). There is an additional Gamma program (4 weeks) that you can buy, making it a 14 week program. I absolutely loved this program. Spence and I started it shortly after we got married and finished while I was in graduate school. Even with a busy schedule of work, moving, and school, it is easy to find 25 minutes per day. Although I have only done it once, I would definitely do it again. Every now and then I will take a workout from the program and do it as a stand alone. It does require a resistance band (which comes when you buy the program), but dumbbells and a mat are also recommended. There is also a nutrition program associated with it.

P90x: This is another BeachBody program that is led by Tony Horton. This program is 90 days and more intense than T25. Different workouts vary in time, but if I recall correctly (I did this 3 years ago) they range from 45 minutes to about an hour and a half and is 6 days per week. It does require equipment, which you will most likely have to buy. However, like T25, it also comes with a nutrition plan. The program is excellent, but it is time consuming. For Spence and me, it was hard to find a time that worked for both of us so that we could work out together. However, if you are doing it alone, you and your partner/roommate/workout buddy have similar work schedules, or if you have time to dedicate approximately an hour a day to working out, I would highly recommend it, because it is definitely worth it. Also, since P90x came out, there have been variations of the program that have also come out.

Okay, there are obviously a number of other youtube channels, apps, Instagram accounts, and programs for purchase out there that are good for at-home workout routines. You may also want to consult Pinterest for different at-home workouts; I have found many good ones there as well. These are just resources I have used in the past or currently, that I have found to give me a good workout at home.