Hammer & Chisel: Half Way There

We are officially halfway through The Master’s Hammer & Chisel, so we decided to do  a mid-program update to let everyone know how we are liking it so far.

Overall Opinions:

Jess: I am loving this program so far. Definitely different from any of the other Beachbody programs we have done. Although I can feel myself getting stronger, the workouts are continuously a challenge. After 4 weeks I have yet to get bored with the workouts which is also a bonus!

Spence: I like the alternation of the hammer and chisel workouts that keep my muscles continually guessing with what they need to do.  I am slowly getting better with the meal plan and seeing results from the program.  Hopefully the next 4 weeks will continue to be as beneficial.  We are only doing the basic workouts this round and will probably do a second round with the bonus workouts to try and maximize our results.

Favorite Workout:

Jess: Total Body Hammer

Spence: Hammer Plyometrics

Least Favorite Workout:

Jess: Iso Speed Hammer

Spence: Chisel…….all of them.  Turns out my balance needs a little fine tuning

Best/easiest thing:

Jess: Lifting & feeling myself getting stronger. Working out with Spence every day (not trying to be cheesy, I promise).

Spence: Getting up early and finishing the workout before the day starts is definitely the best part.  It’s also nice to watch Jess get stronger and to be able to help motivate her to get up early everyday (I  am being cheesey).

Most challenging thing:

Jess: BALANCE! I literally fall over every time we try to do Chisel Balance. Or the meal plan, I go over my carbs and healthy fat allowance almost every day.

Spence: The meal plan is by far the most difficult thing.  There is no category for cookies, ice cream, cheez its, and kraft macaroni and cheese…..bummer.

What we are looking forward to most over the next 4 weeks:

Jess: I am looking forward to seeing how my body continues to change and see how much weight I can continue to lift.

Spence: Continuing to build strength and hopefully learning to enjoy more carrots and less cookies.

Thoughts on Shakeology:

Jess: I love Shakeology so far! Cafe Latte is amazing, as is the chocolate, but I like Cafe Latte better. I have noticed a number of benefits including reduced cravings, improved digestion, increased energy, and hair and nail growth.

Spence: Shakeology is great and it has been very beneficial in filling in the gaps in my diet with the necessary nutrients that I don’t necessarily get otherwise.  Caffe latte is nice because you can just mix it with milk or water and it tastes great, but chocolate is also good because it is more versatile with the recipes you can use it in.

Transformation Pictures thus far:

Left (4 weeks ago) / Right (this week)