Hammer & Chisel Round 2

Spence and I have officially completed our second round of Hammer & Chisel. Another 8 weeks of working out 6x per week and eating healthy/clean (whatever you prefer to call it). This round we bought the deluxe workouts, which was 4 extra workouts; 2 total body and 2 area-specific. I absolutely loved the deluxe workouts and will definitely do some of them (especially the total body ones) when we are not doing a program.

This round we did not see as many physical changes in our bodies, but we definitely got stronger. I have mastered being able to do one unassisted pull up and one unassisted chin up. I can do 22 push ups without stopping and have increased my weights. Spence has increased his weights and has actually maxed out on our heaviest dumbbell weight for the bench press. We have both been eating a lot healthier and it has actually become our “normal.” After our first round we had a “cheat week” and both felt really sick and lethargic after eating such unhealthy food, crazy concept right?

During this round we also bought a sample pack of Shakeology, so we have been trying out a number of new recipes with different flavors. I have gotten into the habit of drinking it every single day, and can feel a huge difference if I do not have it. Spence drinks it as a snack the majority of the days as well. We were both really skeptical of a “meal replacement shake” initially, I mean, why not eat REAL food? But for me, it is so quick and easy to eat as lunch and for him it is a great after work snack. It also contains the equivalent of your daily serving of fruits and vegetables, which helps me dramatically since my diet is mostly carbs and fat (although I am trying to get better at it). We have both noticed differences by adding it to our diet. We have some samples left, so feel free to let me of Spence know if you want to try it to see what all the “hype” is about.

So to recap, last round Spence lost 8.25 inches total & gained 1 inch in his arms and I lost 9.625 inches. We did not weigh ourselves because we do not have a scale. This round the changes were definitely smaller, but we can’t both lose almost 10 inches each time right?

Spence: Top – March 14; Bottom – May 7

Spence’s Measurements:

Chest: + 1 inch
R. Arm: -3/8 inch
L. Arm: – 1/4 inch
Waist: – 1/2 inch
Hips: + 3/4 inches
R. Thigh: – 1/2 inch
L. Thigh: + 1 inch
Total: 1.625 lost & 2.75 gained
Net Total: +1.125

Jess: Top – March 14; Bottom – May 7

Jess’s Measurements:

Chest: -1 inch
R. Arm: – 1/8 inch
L. Arm: + 1/4 inch
Waist: – 1/2 inch
Hips: -1/4 inch
R. Thigh: -1/2 inch
L Thigh: – 3/4 inch
Total: 3.125 inches lost & +1/4 inch gained
Net Total: -2.875 

Although there are only small changes, if we compare Day 1 to Week 16 there are definitely huge differences:

A lot of people always ask if these home workouts work. The answer is clearly yes. If you put the time into following the program, including the eating portion, you will get results. Both Spence and I were very active before starting Hammer & Chisel, but our diets were not the healthiest. In the 17 weeks since we did our first H&C workout, I know I am healthier than I have ever been, and I am pretty sure Spence is too (without speaking for him of course). A huge component of that was changing our eating habits, which was definitely a challenge at first but now has become habit. We are moving on to 22 Minute Hard Corps after our “cheat week,” so we are excited to try a different program and to see how it goes.

If you have questions about the programs, meals, or shakes, don’t hesitate to ask either of us!

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